Key Personnel

Administrative Team

George M.


George has been affiliated with The Discovery Center since it was founded in 1974 by his wife, Jacki. He provides overall leadership guidance to the center and tries to stay out of the way of the work of the excellent teaching and administrative staff. While staying out of the way, he is an operations researcher who conducts health systems research for a local non-profit research institute. In his free time, he enjoys eating, bicycling (to compensate for the eating), traveling, and playing the clarinet. George's daughter Kathryn is a 1991 graduate of The Discovery Center and three of his grandchildren are currently enrolled in the center.

Alice C.

Communications & Marketing

Alice has a background in digital marketing and branding. You can find her at the front desk with a friendly smile, eager to answer your questions and assist you in any way she can. In her spare time, Alice enjoys spending time with family and friends, fitness, and wellness.

Daryl H.


Daryl worked at Trinity Lutheran Church for many years as the in-house accountant. He now helps us with all of our bookkeeping needs, and is an important asset to The Discovery Center. When Daryl isn't balancing numbers, he helps his wife, Kay, with her baked good business, and is a stellar magician.